Know your Moksha Buddy – “The only planet which takes you to enlightenment”, “keeps a track of your past life accumulated karmas”, “responsible for all kinds of psychic powers” & “where your dormant talent lies in this life”


When i first started practicing astrology, i wouldn’t have guessed it in my wildest of imagination. That which planet connects us to our past lives, or which planet holds the key to most important sect of our lives “our hidden talents”. Well, that honor has been bestowed by Lord Narayana to the south node of the moon, which is also known as “Ketu” in Vedic astrology.

I will try to present a different perspective here, something which is not redundant & which i have found accurate in my research

Introduction – South node of the moon or Ketu as we know is the shadow planet which is always 7 houses away from Rahu a.k.a north node of the moon.  It co-rules the sign Scorpio with Mars & because of its affinity with Jupiter gets exalted at Sagittarius & gets debilitated at Gemini. It is directly linked with Lord Ganesha (Presiding deity of all kinds of occult knowledge), dogs & has flag as its symbol 

Nature – Ketu is considered as the most spiritual planet & the gateway to liberation. As its work force is internalized, so in its positive aspect it can give strong concentration, deep perception & penetrating insight in equal measures to the Sun. It is also a very emotional planet & represents extreme emotional & complex state

The Psychic – Ketu governs the spirit world & can thus connect one’s mind with that realm. Everything related to sixth sense gets attributed to him. When strong and working through its higher principles, it can elevate the mind to a level where native can have the access to the secret functioning of the universe. And when working through its lower aspect, it gives rise to all kinds of phobias, idiosyncrasies, morbid & psychological disorders 

Appearance – Ketu in general represents short & fat people. It just loves putting fat in people (Esp if associated with ascendant). A very strong Ketu personality will shake you so strongly that either you would feel extremely uncomfortable or strongly attracted towards that person. Big earlobes, strong sense of smell & upward glance are some of the traits which would help you single out a Ketu personality from the crowd. Colors associated with Ketu are muddy earth color & all earthy shades, all shades of grey, bright and fiery shades of yellow, red & orange. In the electromagnetic spectrum, it represents infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye & falls out of the VIBGYOR color spectrum (Ketu is a smokey planet & doesn’t have any physical existence). Its appearance is also to the extremes either uncouth like a beggar or dressed immaculately in fancy & bright clothes.

Strongly connected to the past –  It basically represents past, so all those people who are connected to there past, lineage, ancestors (Magha – Ketu ruled nakshatra) are under the influence of Ketu. In some cases it manifests as attachment with past places, relationships & achievements. It resists change because of its strong attachment to the past. Sometimes this attachment is so strong that the person loses its ability to live in the present or see the future correctly. The phenomenon of Ghosts which are nothing but souls with astral entities hovering around the places they were attached to in there human incarnation, is also an example of the functioning of Ketu

The Extreme machine –  You could fairly talk your way with a person under the influence of Rahu, but that’s just impossible with a Ketu person. Its the shadow planet of Mars, but when it comes to taking revenge, its manifold willful than Mars – Ketu is a planet which never forgets, its resentment carries with it to many incarnations.

Shh…. Moksha Buddy knows about your Talents – The dispositor of Ketu in the natal chart is called as “Karmic inlet control planet”. This planet & its placement in the natal chart tells about the talents of native in this present incarnation, if Mercury happens to be the”Karmic inlet control” planet then emphasis remains on the communication or trade/business & if Saturn then on the organisational side. The two signs & houses occupied by Ketu & its dispositor remains the key to unravel the talent & aptitude of the native.

*I have read this thing in many books & scriptures that as per the Vimshottari Mahadasha of vedic astrology, those who die in the Ketu mahadasha period definitely gets liberation

Family relations – Ketu represents the maternal grandfather & paternal grandmother. It is also the significator of mothers ancestral family. It also represents male progeny in a native’s chart, a strong Ketu ensures a worthwhile male progeny from which one can derive pleasure & pride

Position in the natal chart tells

  • That the person is very detached/ separated from the areas of the house. For example if posited in the 7th house, can delay the marriage or make it distant or in extreme cases native remains unmarried for life (Jupiter’s aspect & if placed in its exalted sign (Sagittarius) could bring a relief)
  • Native remains very critical of the areas of that house. Has the attitude “been there done that”, has this preconceived notion that he excels in the areas governed by that house. For example, if posited in the 3rd house native might have high expectations from his siblings. (Jupiter’s aspect & if placed in its exalted sign (Sagittarius) could bring a relief)


About NJ

I come from an archetype north Indian Brahmin family, with exceptional love for the divinity, spirituality & humanitarian causes. Born & raised in an environment where we never felt the need of embracing any toon character for our childhood fantasy association, as Shiva Krishna Hanuman were enough of our helluva super heroes. In the meantime, i also completed my MBA along with couple of stints with top advertising agencies in the business. Travelling, learning languages, making friends & spending extravagantly on clothes define me to a great extent. Curiosity & creativity has always been my calling in life, with an attitude to accept everything after measuring it on an analytical & scientific plane. Which also brought me closer to occult sciences & blessed me with the certification course of Palmistry from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Vedic Astrology knowledge acquired by personally learning it from some of the renowned astrologers, self acquired knowledge of numerology & face reading. This opened the mystical door of some of the answers which are hidden from the common people. How blessed we are to be born in this life, how no problem is formidable enough to be tamed, how come every thing in our life is predetermined & happens for a reason. I have gone through some of the extreme chaotic times to reach this point, & its my deepest desire that by the creation of this blog & posted pages in it, i would be able to help those who are still struck in the shallow end of their problems. May God bless us all !!!

Posted on September 9, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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